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DARE Student Turns in Parents for Growing Marijuana


February 1993

The parents of a 15-year-old Maryland girl were jailed after she told a police officer in her Drug Abuse Resistance Education (DARE) program they were growing marijuana (From news services, "Parents Turned In By Teen Are Jailed In Marijuana Case," Washington Post, 1/6/93, D3).

The arrest of parents turned in by DARE students has become relatively commonplace nationwide, as police officers placed in schools to teach students to resist drugs urge them to turn in friends and family if they know of illicit drug use. In the current case, Susanne and Elwood Bridegroom pled guilty to marijuana possession after police seized 40 marijuana plants, and were sentenced to 30 days in jail, 1,000 hours of community service, and mandatory drug counseling. Should the federal government choose to become involved, the family could lose their home through forfeiture.

Caroline County, Maryland State's Attorney Christian Jensen commented on the arrest: "The child set the example by standing up for her rights. This is the most extreme example of when parents fail their children and family."

A remorseful Elwood and Susanne Bridegroom said at their sentencing hearing that their arrest was the best thing that could have happened to them. "I am sorry the mistake was made and glad it was brought forth," said Susanne Bridegroom.