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Fall 1998 Soros Harm Reduction Fellowship


May-June 1998

The Lindesmith Center, a policy research institute founded in 1994 as a project of the Open Society Institute, focuses on broadening the debate on drug policy and promoting policies and treatments that minimize the adverse effects of both drug use and drug prohibition -- an approach known as "harm reduction." George Soros, the financier, is Chairman of the Open Society Institute.

Soros Harm Reduction Fellowships are offered to promote the development of innovative health, criminal justice, and/or civil justice programs in harm reduction and other drug policy reforms. Applicants must propose a project, study, or pilot program and secure sponsorship from a nonprofit or government organization to implement the proposed idea. Up to four fellowships will be awarded per year.

Postgraduate Fellows will receive an annual stipend of up to $32,500 for 12 months and may be renewed for 12 months. Limited payments for graduate education debt may be provided. Sponsoring organizations will be requested to provide medical benefits and to cover overhead costs.

Applicants must be in their final year of graduate school, medical school, or law school, or have received their postgraduate degree within the last six years. Applicants and sponsoring organizations can be based in the United States or abroad. The Lindesmith Center plans to create an additional program of pre- and post- doctoral fellowships for scholars in the social sciences, historical studies, and related fields. For more information please call (212) 548-0695.

[Other than an annual membership, the Network receives no funds from the Open Society Institute or George Soros. -- RCT]

Contact the Lindesmith Center at (415) 554-1900 or send an e-mail to with the subject line "Application Form" (case sensitive).